Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Well, I went to my first "real" practice deposition the other day. It was practice, but I treated it as if it were real. Once I got home, I started editing my transcripts as if I were going to submit them for real. This was definitely a process, but I loved every minute of it. I turned in my completed transcripts to my potential "employer", so now I must wait and see.

Oh, let me back up and explain. One day, my daughter's best friend texted me and said that her aunt is a court reporter and owns her own agency. I got in contact with her aunt, Gwen, and that's where I'm at now. I'm hoping to hear back from her soon and start doing some independent contract work for her.

I'm going to take the RPR again in May, and I'm pretty sure I will pass it. I'm also going to do some sit-in work at the Cumberland County Courthouse. Again, just practice, but one day, I will be officially a worker bee in this field.

I think that's about it for now.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


I took the RPR test for the first time this morning. I was very nervous, can't even describe how scared and nervous I was. It was like waiting for surgery or a wedding to start. The clock keeps ticking down, and you know that at any second, you will be called for. Well, that time came and we headed over to the test room.

It was a very different experience. We were in the same classroom as my school, and I was able to sit in my old seat. At least I had some familiarity around me. As the chief examiner was about to start the instructions, I couldn't get the computer to work! I asked her to wait, but she said the instructions would take a while, so I had plenty of time to get the computer up and running. No matter what I did, though, it just wouldn't work. I started panicking. My heart was racing and hands shaking. At the very last minute, I got the program to work. What a relief.

The test was given aloud on the overhead speakers. That was very much unlike school where we used headphones on our own personal computers to listen to our tests. Overall, the literary and jury charge were fairly easy. I felt really good about them. The QA was quite difficult, and I knew shortly into it that I wasn't going to be able to transcribe it.

After finishing all three tests, we went back into the edit room. I feel I did the best I could for my first time and considering my nerves were consuming me. I'm very happy with what I turned in, even though I know I made some mistakes. I truly believe I passed the jury charge for sure, but I'm on the fence about the lit. I want to pray and believe that I passed both of them, but I know there's always a possibility that I didn't pass any. If I can at least pass one of them, I'll be happy. I know that if I have to go back for the other two, I'll definitely get one and then just have to keep at the third one.

Test results in 6-8 weeks from now. Stay tuned!!

Monday, September 12, 2011


I know it's a week later, and I'm just now getting around to updating my blog, but that doesn't mean the outcome is any different! I passed my last test last week!! I did it! I'm officially done with speed classes. This has been 4 years in the making, and I can't believe it's finally over. I'm happy and relieved all at the same time. It feels so good to have my freedom back. I am still working on my machine trying to get better and better, but I feel I'm not locked to my machine like a ball and chain. I can go out and enjoy my weekends and keep up with everyday activities during the week. I can go to the girls' cheer activities now. That feels so good. Like I said, though, I'm still practicing high speed dictation and working on my accuracy.

As for the future, all of that is up in the air at the moment. I will post again as soon as I have more info.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I know it's been quite a while since I posted anything. That's mainly because I had nothing new to report, except failure after failure after failure. There were so many tests that I felt so good about and just knew they were passes, only to be told they weren't. Not only were they not passes, but I failed at them miserably. There were a slight handful of tests that I came close, one even within 4 mistakes of a pass, but close is not good enough in this field.

However, with that said, I am happy to report that I've done it---I am only ONE test away from being done with speed!! Here's a recap of the two passes I achieved:

It was our third night back at school for the Fall semester. That night didn't go very well as the test material was quite brutal. I had some tests saved from previous nights, so I figured I might as well work on them. I worked on the first one, finished it and put it aside. I then started working on the others. The remaining tests might have been good, but I'll never know. I "felt" like they weren't good, so I trashed them. I went back to the first one I finished, printed it out and looked it over, then thought, "What the heck, I might as well see how close I got." I corrected this one myself. Error after error after error...or so I thought. After throwing in the towel, figuring another one bites the dust, I input each page of errors into my calculator, hit the = button, and got the shock of my life!! I literally gasped...out loud. I think I stopped breathing for a second. The room literally started spinning, my hands shaking, I couldn't breathe. The calculator said I missed 52. I'm allowed to miss 56 and still pass. This can't be. I made a mistake somewhere. I forgot to add a page of errors or something, this couldn't be. I added all the pages together again. 52. No, no, no, this can't be. This can't be right. I immediately gave the test to my teacher to correct and proceeded to sit in my chair, barely able to breath, preparing myself to fight back tears when she told me I calculated it wrong. She found two more mistakes that I missed. 54. I can miss 56 and still pass. I'm slowly breathing and telling myself not to cry when she tells me I was wrong. Yet, she didn't tell me that. She told me I PASSED!!! I cannot even believe it. I just can't believe it. That has to be a fluke or something. It's too good to be true. But alas, it was a solid, bonafide pass. I did it!!!

The second pass came just the following class the same week (last week). I felt pretty good about the tests I did that night. That night, like every other night, I strive for perfection, and I know a couple of the tests I was not perfect. That really affected me mentally. I decided to type one up anyway, just to see how close I got. I was sure that I would get two more passes within the next couple weeks. I typed one up, printed it out, handed it in. I thought again, let's do this for the heck of it and see how close I got. While my teacher graded my test, I started working on another one. The second one I worked on was probably good, but I didn't feel 100% confident in it, so I trashed it as well. Out of nowhere, my teacher says, "Way to go, Kim, you did it!" I did what? What did I do? I PASSED another one!!! This one was the best I ever did, only 42 mistakes! I just can't believe it. Still can't. She was so proud of me. I was just beside myself, still am. Only one more test to go and I'm outta there!!

As I sit here right now, I'm still in shock. I have failed so many times, that it doesn't seem real to actually pass. Since passing my second one, every now and then I'll think about it and just get so giddy that I only have one more to go! Only one more and I'm done!! I never thought I'd see this day. Everything is riding on this one last test....mainly, my freedom. I need and want my life back. My whole life has been consumed by school and homework. I just want my life back and to start making money, any kind of money, it doesn't matter.

That's all for now. I will post again as soon as I pass my last one.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


After having a week off between semesters, I am back in full force! The test I submitted on my first day back, this past Tuesday, I received a 94.48%!! I need 95% to pass. It has to be at least 95%. As my husband doesn't seem to understand, they can't just "give it to me" because I'm close. It has to be a minimum of 95% on the nose or it doesn't pass. But, just seeing how close I got, I am that much more motivated, and I know, I just know I will be out of here within the next few weeks.

P.S. We didn't get to test on Thursday because our computer program wasn't working, then the internet went down, then we had another minor setback, oh say...a tornado warning! All of a sudden it starts pouring down rain, rain like I've never seen it before, trees blowing so hard they were almost sideways, lightning, thunder, etc. We immediately had to pack up and take cover in the hallway away from all windows and doors. We sat there for about an hour while the storm passed. By that time it was time to go home, but even still, the computers weren't working, so there was no way for us to test anyways.

Hope Tuesday is much better!!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Well, this has been quite an interesting semester. Not at all what I expected. I thought for sure I would be done and celebrating this last week of finals. Quite the contrary. I am STILL in need of these last three tests.

There is absolutely no excuse why I couldn't have gotten this done by now. I can list some factors that have contributed to my failure after failure after failure, but there are still no excuses, and in no way am I justifying my lack of success this semester.

NERVES, NERVES, NERVES....will I ever get a handle on my nerves? I have put so much pressure on myself trying to get out of here that I think it really hindered my progress this semester. What was scaring me is the idea of having to pay an unreasonable amount of money to repeat this class just for three tests. That took up a lot of space in my mind and caused so much undue anxiety on me, I can't even express it. As time widdled away, the pressure mounted. It became so overwhelming; I can't really describe the emotions I've gone through over the last month or so.

Finally, within the last few weeks, I had a long talk with myself and came to terms with having to repeat this class. I'm not happy about it at all; who would be? But these are the cards I was dealt. Besides my nerves getting the best of me, I truly believe I gave these tests my very best effort. I have been doing all my homework each week and then some. I did everything within my power to accomplish this goal, and I've come to the realization that it's just not my time yet.

On a positive note, here's what has transpired in the last few weeks or so. I attended the PCRA convention and sat in on all four of Mark Kislingbury's seminars. He is amazing. Genius, really. An inspiration, to say the least. He validated everything I believed to be true about this field, but was either told I was wrong, or for some other reason or another thought I was cheating or breaking the rules somehow. Because of him, I have a new found glimmer of hope and motivation to keep on going. I immediately started implementing some minor changes in the way I do things, and have really, really honed in on my briefs. I am trying to brief anything and everything I can. The only way I can write faster is if I write shorter, and that's what I intend to do!

Another positive note, I have a job!! I can't even believe I'm saying that! I'm really excited about it and cannot wait to get started. I met a wonderful lady who owns an agency, and we talked for quite a while. She shares my same passion of wanting to be active in the workforce, while at the same time being the best wife and mother she can be. As we all know, working full-time and being a full-time mother doesn't always, who am I kidding, "never" goes well together. In all my years of working, I've learned...I'm either an employee or I'm a mom, I cannot be the best at both. Unfortunately, I've always been the best employee I can be while trying to "survive" motherhood. So when she told me I could work AND be the best mother I could be, I was sold. She totally gets it. I will start my internship this summer doing half of the requirement at her agency, and the other half in the courthouse. Needless to say, I can't wait to get started.

As for where I'm at with my progress...again, I need 95% to pass. I'm riding the 90%-92% bandwagon at the moment. I seem to be arriving at the station just as the 95% train is leaving. I don't want to be left behind anymore. The speed is not fast. It could be slower, but it's not fast. It is within my reach. Again, there are no excuses why I can't obtain this goal. I need to calm my nerves, build my confidence back up, and quit the negative self-talk that runs rampid in my head as soon as the tests start. I need to hang on to every single word. I need to not give up just because I misstroke a word. I can do this and I'm ready to do this.

Tonight is the last night of the semester. I have a week off and then back to the grind. This time I mean business. Well, I meant business before, but this time 225 is going down. 225 won't even have a chance to put its mouthpiece in, get a pep talk from the coach, or even get in a few practice punches. 225 is going down before the bell even rings.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011


It seems as though I will never pass these last three tests. It feels that way, anyway. I need to find the motivation and encouragement to keep going. I know I can do this. These tests are not hard. I'm in the 90% range. I just have to get over this road block and do it. Praying that I get these last three tests within the next four weeks.